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Diablo 4 Platinum Package Bundle


Diablo 4 Platinum Package gives you the best head start to get into the end game! Play with our Boosters or have our Boosters play for you and level your character to 100; 220 Paragon Points; High Chance at Glyphs; Strong and Fully Optimized Build Crafted – this includes gear, skills, aspects and more; Massive amount of gold; Battle Pass Progression; Full Campaign Completion; High chance at getting Legendaries + a lot of the loot and currencies obtained!

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Where do I add my account/platform info?

After placing your order, you will be sent an email with a link to a secure page to review your order, add your account information and provide notes for the Booster.

SKU: GB-Diablo_4_Platinum_Package_Bundle Categories: ,